Updated my website

Hey everyone,

I've been working hard this weekend to update my website. I've added a few new features and made it more user-friendly. I've also added my social media links back, which I had to take down for a while due to some online harassment. I haven't heard from the stalker in a while, so I'm hoping they've given up. I'm sorry to say that I've been the victim of online harassment. I'm not sure why someone would want to harass me, but I'm not going to let it stop me from doing what I love.

I appreciate you all for visiting my website, whether you're a returning visitor or a first-time reader. I'm always working to improve my content and make it more enjoyable for you. So please, let me know what you think! You can leave a comment on any of the posts that have commenting enabled, or you can reach out to me on social media.

Thanks again for reading!


PG’s Tips - It's “have” not “of”


Footpaths Are For Wimps - Leeds Meet - 14/03/23